Thursday, April 25, 2019

Base64 encoded string to Decimal

We are using kafka-connect-jdbc to streaming data out of HANA Views, and the decimal columns are now saved as base64 encoded strings in Kafka.

To decode it with Python:
    """Convert a base64 encoded string to decimal
       b64str: the base64 encoded string
       Example: 'ATFvqA==' -> 20017064,  'JA==' -> 36
    def b64_string_to_decimal(b64str):
        decoded_bytes = base64.b64decode(b64str)
        decimal_value = decimal.Decimal(int.from_bytes(decoded_bytes, byteorder='big'))
        return decimal_value

To decode it with Java:
     * Convert a base64 encoded string to decimal
     * b64str: the base64 encoded string
     * Example: 'ATFvqA==' -> 20017064,  'JA==' -> 36
    public BigDecimal base64StringToDecimal(String b64String) {
        BigDecimal bigDecimal = new BigDecimal(new
        return bigDecimal;

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