Monday, August 31, 2020

How to create target .csv file out of a SQL query in SAP Data Services

 1. After preparing the structure of your source to query transform. Right click on the out schema in query transform and select 'Create File Format':

2. Provide the details and use it as Flag File template:

3. Make it as target in the dataflow mapping:

4. Double click the target file and set up the file location and name:

There you go!

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Python to retrieve csv attachment from saved outlook msg file

1. import win32com.client
if you got this error:   ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'win32com'
then install the module first:
    $ python3 -m pip install pywin32
  $ python3 -m pip install pypiwin32
2. Use absolute path
3. Outlook installed
4. Close(or Open and then Close) Outlook if you see error like:

for idx, file in enumerate(msg_files):
    # get file date 02-Apr-2020
    print(f'{idx+1}/{number_of_files}: {file}')
    date_str = re.split(' |\.', file)[-2]

    # Read attachments
    outlook = win32com.client.Dispatch('Outlook.Application').GetNamespace('MAPI')
    msg = outlook.OpenSharedItem(file)
    att = msg.Attachments

    for i in att:

        csv_file_name = os.path.join(csv_file_dir, f'{csv_file_prefix}-{date_str}.csv')

To get error message from an error code:
import win32api
s = win32api.FormatMessage(-2147352565)

s = win32api.FormatMessage(-2147287008)

s = win32api.FormatMessage(-2147352567)