Thursday, April 16, 2020

Python to retrieve csv attachment from saved outlook msg file

1. import win32com.client
if you got this error:   ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'win32com'
then install the module first:
    $ python3 -m pip install pywin32
  $ python3 -m pip install pypiwin32
2. Use absolute path
3. Outlook installed
4. Close(or Open and then Close) Outlook if you see error like:

for idx, file in enumerate(msg_files):
    # get file date 02-Apr-2020
    print(f'{idx+1}/{number_of_files}: {file}')
    date_str = re.split(' |\.', file)[-2]

    # Read attachments
    outlook = win32com.client.Dispatch('Outlook.Application').GetNamespace('MAPI')
    msg = outlook.OpenSharedItem(file)
    att = msg.Attachments

    for i in att:

        csv_file_name = os.path.join(csv_file_dir, f'{csv_file_prefix}-{date_str}.csv')

To get error message from an error code:
import win32api
s = win32api.FormatMessage(-2147352565)

s = win32api.FormatMessage(-2147287008)

s = win32api.FormatMessage(-2147352567)