Friday, December 2, 2016

Add ports mapping to the HDP 2.5 VMware Sandbox

HDP 2.5 Sandbox VM:
    ssh root@IP -p 22

HDP 2.5 Sandbox Container
    ssh root@IP -p 2222

Note: here the IP is the public IP address for VM. It's NOT the IP for Container.

1) login to the Sandbox VM

$ ssh root@IP -p 22

2) Disable sandbox.service

$ systemctl disable sandbox.service

3) Reboot the VM

$ init 6

4) Modify sandbox start script

$ vi /root/start_scripts/

Go search "-p 2222:22 \"
Add a new line after that, like:
    -p 1234:1234 \
save and exit.

5) Delete existing sandbox container

$ docker rm sandbox

6) Enable sandbox.service

systemctl enable sandbox.service

7) Reboot the VM

$ init 6

8) Verify new ports

$ docker ps |grep 1234

You should see that 1234 is now in the list.

9) Bring up webapp listening at port 1234

10) Verify that you can access IP:1234 via browser from a 3rd machine.

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